Saturday, February 13, 2010

Monday, August 31, 2009

Salmon fishing in Alaska.

Me with Denali in background. Nice weather for a few hours.
It was mostly overcast with some showers while we were there.

Denali (Mt McKinley) 20,300'

A silver salmon about 10lbs. We caught our
limit (2) each day. Returned with 45lbs of
filleted salmon each.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Kathy and Mathias at Lego City. It is replicas of 7 cities,
San Francisco in background

Playing warrior.

LegoLand has 7 mini-cities that are built from Lego's. NYC, Washington DC, New Orleans, SF, Las Vegas.... They include 700 buildings using 20 million Lego's.

Mathias is 5 and drove the electric cars first with the 3-5 year olds. He did well enough that I told him "If you can remember to say "6" when the ride attendent asks, you can try the older (6-13) kids ride. He drove with them several times and did great.